Posted on 02/27/24
Jerusalem, Israel - Feb. 27, 2024 - The Jewish People Challenges Conference of the World Zionist Organization was held on Tuesday, February 27th at the International Convention Center in Jerusalem, Israel, in the presence of 500 Jewish leaders from 38 countries. Joining the conference in the evening before dinner was the President of the State of Israel, Isaac Herzog. The Chairman of the World Zionist Organization Yaakov Hagoel, his deputies, Dr. Yizhar Hess and Gael Gruenwald, and the organization's President Tova Dorfman led the list of Jewish dignitaries assembled for the day.
The world leaders heard reviews and discussions from the spokesperson of the Israel Defense Force Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, former head of IDF Intelligence Major General (ret.) Tamir Hayman, and were moved to hear Thomas Hand whose daughter was held hostage by Hamas. They also sat down for in-depth discussions on the fight against anti-Semitism and the future of the Jewish People in the Diaspora. The German Ambassador to Israel Steffen Seiber attended and expressed his government's support in the fight against Hamas terrorists.
Chairman of the World Zionist Organization Yaakov Hagoel commented: "It is exciting to see so many leaders from all over the world who, despite travel warnings, despite the complex situation, came to Israel to discuss the many challenges and the future of the Jewish people. The time has come for us all to be together, and each one in his/her field - we will invest in the future, in the eternity of our people - united, identified, and more connected to our roots, tradition, and land."
Before answering questions from the delegates in the audience, President Isaac Herzog mentioned during his interview with journalist Tal Schneider: “There is a terrible rise in antisemitism. People taking off mezuzot in modern Western democracies! Jewish schools and synagogues are being attacked. We know that in each generation they rise to annihilate us - and now we see it coming true in our generation. But there is a silver lining - and that is the unity of the Jewish people. Now is the time for Jews to unite all over the world together, to fight back, not to be fearful, to fight in the legal arena, to fight in the public arena, and all over.
The Jewish world is facing one of its greatest challenges, definitely since the Second World War. Now is the time to work together and fight back.”
Round table discussions allowed participants to discuss in small groups on specific topics. A day of a tour in the south is an option for Wednesday.