Posted on 02/26/24
Jerusalem, Israel - Feb. 26, 2024 - The Besheva Publishing group sponsored its 21st Jerusalem Conference at the Vert Hotel in Jerusalem, Israel, on Sunday and Monday, February 25-26, 2024.
Opening with Israeli President Isaac Herzog, the two full-day programs were filled with government officials and Jerusalem Prize winners and moderated again by Yoni Kempinski.
Highlights on the second day included the presentation of two special Jerusalem Prizes.
On the morning of October 7, Rami Davidian, a 58-year-old farmer from Moshav Patish, an Israeli farming community near the Gaza Strip, risked his life and is credited with saving hundreds from the deadly Nova Festival site. He drove back and forth between the site of the festival and the moshav for four hours. Each time picking up and dropping off 10 or 12 young people, unarmed and outnumbered.
In one astonishing case, he rescued a girl who turned out to be surrounded by five terrorists. Rami shouted at the terrorists in Arabic, pretending to be one of them, "I spoke to them in Arabic and told them that I was a Yemenite Muslim coming to alert them that soldiers were closing on them and advised them to leave the girl and escape, while they still could. In that moment, I felt fearless,” he added.
Rami Davidian received his award and posed for photos, meanwhile, the audience stood to applaud and acknowledge his brave actions.
The Jerusalem Aliyah Prize went to Chantal and Nicky Young, the parents of Nathanel Young, H'yd, the lone soldier who was serving in the Israel Defense Forces when he was killed on the Gaza border on October 7.
"We have to be where Nathanel is buried," stated the parents of the murdered 20-year-old sergeant. They made aliyah in November, and three of their adult children already live in Israel, and now one is buried.
Outside nearby, there were protests at the Supreme Court Building. However, inside the Vert Ballroom at the Jerusalem Conference unity was a theme, and volunteerism and responses to the October 7 War serious topics discussed. A minyan for mincha was available, one after another in the afternoon in a room adjacent to the main ballroom, as government ministers and members of the Knesset came and left.