Posted on 02/22/24
Baltimore, MD - Feb. 22, 2024 - OCA and Jewish Educational Services hosted a Shloshim program in memory of Cpt. Eyal Twito, HY"D, a platoon commander in the Paratroopers Brigade's 202nd Battalion, from Beit Gamliel. Eyal came to Baltimore as a Shinshin for the 2019-2020 school year, and built long lasting connections and friendships with OCA students, families, and members of the Baltimore Jewish community. Over 100 people attended last night's program. Eyal's host families, Dr. Julie Blumenfeld and Mrs. Chana Margalit both spoke about him, and a special video featuring Eyal's parents and time at OCA and in Baltimore was presented. The OCA community also came together to learn in Eyal's memory and made a Siyum at the Shloshim event. At the end of the program, a signed Ravens jersey was presented by Adam Neuman, Chief of Staff of the Ravens, at the request of Eyal's close friend, which will be delivered to Eyal's parents as he was a huge Ravens fan. יהי זכרו ברוך