US Official: Elimination Of Terrorist Leader In Iraq Is Just The Beginning

By Arutz-7
Posted on 02/07/24 | News Source: Arutz-7

The US military strike that Central Command said killed a Kataib Hezbollah commander in Iraq on Wednesday does not mark the end of a series of retaliatory actions that President Joe Biden authorized early last week, a senior administration official told CNN.

According to the official, there's more to come in response to the deaths of three US soldiers in Jordan.

A White House official said the execution of the strike itself and its timing were carefully considered to avoid any loss of innocent life – and that the US military moved to go after this commander as soon as the opportunity presented itself. Central Command said there were no indications of civilian casualty collateral damage.

This official also reiterated what Biden said since the US retaliatory strikes began last week, “We will not hesitate to defend our people and hold responsible any and all who seek to harm Americans.”

US Central Command (CENTCOM) confirmed earlier on Wednesday that a US air strike eliminated a senior commander of the pro-Iranian Kataib Hezbollah.

While the statement did not name the commander who was eliminated, three US officials quoted by CNN said the US targeted Wisam Mohammed Saber al-Saedi in the strike.

The Kataib Hezbollah commander was in charge of logistical support including drone and rocket operations for the organization, a source within the Iran-backed Popular Mobilization Units told CNN.