Israel To Reject Hamas Counterproposal For Ceasefire and Hostage Deal - Report

By i24
Posted on 02/07/24 | News Source: i24

Israeli officials on Wednesday firmly stated to major American news outlets, including NBC and CNN, that they will not entertain the ceasefire proposal put forward by Hamas.

Speaking to CNN, an Israeli official categorically dismissed Hamas's proposal, asserting that there is "no way" Israel will accept it.

“The fact that Hamas is asking for a cease-fire for Israelis to withdraw its forces, that’s something that Israel will never agree to” an Israeli source told NBC.

The Hamas demands, which include a four-and-a-half-month ceasefire and the eventual cessation of hostilities, were swiftly rebuffed by Israeli authorities.

Central to Hamas's conditions is the release of hundreds of terrorists from Israeli prisons, a demand vehemently opposed by Israel. Furthermore, the terror group insists on a complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip, a condition Israel has unequivocally rejected.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to address the Israeli public on the negotiations on Wednesday evening.

The Palestinian terrorist group response to a ceasefire proposal from a mediators’ summit in Paris was published in its entirety by Hezbollah-affiliated Al-Akhbar on Wednesday, following it being received by Egypt and Qatar the night before.

Some of the published demands were previously stated “red lines” for Israel, such as Hamas being able to select any 500 prisoners charged with murderous terrorism.