Prime Minister Netanyahu: 'Sinwar's Residence Is Encircled By Our Forces'

By Arutz-7
Posted on 12/06/23 | News Source: Arutz-7

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu published a statement on Wednesday concerning two updates on the war in Gaza and the efforts to return the hostages.

"Yesterday, I said that our forces can get anywhere in the Gaza Strip. Now, they are surrounding the home of (Yahya) Sinwar. Now, his home is not his fort, and he escapes, but it is only a matter of time until we reach him," Netanyahu declared.

Regarding the hostages, he stated: "We are applying pressure to allow for visits by the Red Cross of the hostages. In that regard, I spoke today with the President of the Red Cross and told her to speak to Qatar, which has proven to have leverage on Hamas, and demand the Red Cross visit the hostages and, of course, supply them with medication."

The Security Cabinet will convene on Wednesday. The meeting was made earlier after the War Cabinet did not come to a decision regarding the American demand to increase the amount of fuel that is being allowed in the Gaza Strip.

The US demanded that the amount of fuel being allowed into the strip in a day be increased by three - from 60 thousand liters to 180.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir will present his stance against the transfer of fuel to the Gaza Strip: "We can not give fuel to Hamas. Every liter of fuel puts us further from defeating Hamas," those close to the minister stated.

"They are holding our hostages; our soldiers fall there every day, and giving them fuel is a direct continuation of that same conception. Some of the cabinet members have not yet realized that we need to change the conception that failed on 10/7."

"There is a continuous collapse of the siege on Gaza. It started with a number of individual trucks of food, continued with a long convoy of trucks, after that a bit of fuel, and now, they want to transfer convoys of fuel," Ben-Gvir stated.