IDF Discloses Some Of Its New Arsenal Being Used Operationally For First Time

By i24
Posted on 11/30/23 | News Source: i24

The Arrow defense system, Iron Sting mortar, Eitan APC, the Typhoon Mk-30c turret, Negev 7 machine-gun, Dagger aiming system, just some of the new equipment

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) disclosed on Thursday an updated list of newly used weapons and equipment from its arsenal, including the Dagger aiming system, Negev 7 machine-gun, Arrow defense system, Iron Sting mortar, Eitan APC, Typhoon Mk-30c turret, and more.

“The assimilation of the additional weapons and equipment has tremendous significance these days, as it helps the efficiency and security of the forces in the field, and leads us to successful and precise maneuvering in the dense Gaza Strip,” the IDF said in its press release.

The “Dagger” smart-shooter aim-assistance system, is now being used in its third generation, helping soldiers hit targets with 350 percent greater accuracy. It isn’t just any normal sight, it locates moving targets, whether a drone in the sky or a terrorist on the ground, and locks on to provide maximum precision with calculated ballistic deviations.

The updated Negev 7 machine-gun came into operational use for the first time, firing 7.62mm rounds that can penetrate extremely thick walls. The massive weapon has tremendous power and is more deadly than the Negev 5, which based upon its feedback from soldiers was able to make this new and improved weapon.