Pentagon Confirms 74th Attack On US Troops In Middle East Since Oct. 17

By FOX News
Posted on 11/30/23 | News Source: FOX News

U.S. forces stationed in Syria were attacked Tuesday, Pentagon officials said Thursday, marking the 74th time since Oct. 17 that troops were targeted in the Middle East.

Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh confirmed the attack during Thursday's Department of Defense briefing.

"There was an attack on Tuesday…that brings the total attacks up to 74 attacks from October 17th until now," she said, adding that there were no additional attacks over the last two days.

Singh also said there were no injuries reported from the attack, nor any damage to infrastructure.

The 74 attacks on U.S. troops have taken place in Iraq and Syria and began on Oct. 17 by Iraqi militia groups. The attacks are reportedly linked to the U.S.’s support for Israel in its retaliation against the Palestinian militant group Hamas, following its attack on Oct. 7.

The attacks do not include ballistic missiles being shot in the direction of U.S. military vessels, which commanding officers on those ships have ordered to be shot down.

On Wednesday, the U.S. Navy Destroyer USS Carney shot down an Iranian-made Houthi drone launched from Yemen.

There was no damage to the Carney or any injuries to the U.S. personnel onboard the vessel, which was sailing near the Bab el-Mandeb Strait at the time of the attack.