A Student Recollects: Cherishing A Memorable Shabbos with Rabbi Yisrael Lefkowitz as TA Alumni Reconnect in Yerushalayim

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 11/28/23

The TA alumni of Eretz Yisroel recently experienced a Shabbos for the ages. Our beloved Menahel, Rabbi Yisrael Lefkowitz, came to the Eretz Yisrael to spend the Shabbos night meal with the Oylam, 48 Talmidim, in the Litov Hotel in Geula, Yerushalayim.

The occasion kicked off with a wonderful ambiance of achdus and exhilaration for what was in store. Bochurim were seen in every corner of the well-set dining room smiling and laughing with friends. We davened Mincha, and had an unreal ‘Kabbolos Shabos’ lead by TA’s esteemed cantor - Avrumi Portnoy (Mercaz). The meal then commenced with inspirational Divrei Torah from Rabbi Lefkowitz, as well as from the “alte’ buchrim” – Gavi Pachino (Senters) & Dovid Blum (Toras ChHaim). The boys would periodically sing Shabbos zemiros while enjoying a delicious meal filled with a sense of TA pride and togetherness. All of us could only walk away with a sincere feeling of gratitude and appreciation towards all those that made this experience possible.

We can only wait for the next Shabbos of a lifetime.

Thank you TA. Thank you Rebbe.

A Talmid

Akiva Lavi