Qatar Foreign Ministry: Ceasefire On Friday At 7 AM, Hostages Will Be Released At 4 PM

By Arutz-7
Posted on 11/23/23 | News Source: Arutz-7

A spokesperson for Qatar’s Foreign Ministry announced this afternoon (Thursday) that the ceasefire which Israel agreed to as part of the hostage deal with the Hamas terrorist organization will go into effect at 7 am tomorrow morning (Friday).

Majed Al-Ansari said that the Qatari government had received lists of the people who will be released from both sides.

"The first group of 13 civilians will be released from captivity in the Gaza Strip tomorrow at 4 pm," he said.

Al-Ansari refused to say whether the freed hostages would be taken through the Rafah crossing between Gaza and Egypt. He emphasized that during the four days of the ceasefire, information will be gathered about the remaining hostages in Gaza. "We hope to bring the greatest amount of aid [into Gaza] during the ceasefire and bring about a complete ceasefire with Israel", he said, contradicting the Israeli government's claims that its goals of dismantling Hamas remain despite the four-day ceasefire.

Following Al-Ansari's announcement, the Israeli Prime Minister's Office announced that Israel confirmed that it has received a list of the first 13 hostages who will be released by the Hamas terrorist organization tomorrow afternoon.

 This afternoon, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with British Foreign Secretary and former Prime Minister David Cameron.

During the meeting, Netanyahu addressed the hostage deal and said that "we hope we get our hostages out."

"It’s not without its challenges, but we have to, we hope to get this first tranche out and then we’re committed to getting everyone out,” he said.