Eruv Established Between Tikva House and The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Time for Rosh Hashana 5784 (Photos)

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 09/14/23

Baltimore, MD - Sept. 14, 2023 -  Jewish Caring Network (JCN) is thrilled to announce that the Eruv between the Tikva House and The Johns Hopkins Hospital is up & functioning in time for Rosh Hashana 5784!
The community greatly appreciates the efforts of Mrs. Stacey Goldenberg of JCN, The Eruv of Baltimore and The Johns Hopkins Hospital.
“Jewish Caring Network wishes to express our deep HaKaros Hatov to Rabbi Avraham Cohen and Rabbi Yonah Ribiat of The Eruv of Baltimore as well as their entire board who partnered with the JCN to make this a reality. Additionally, the Jewish Caring Network is grateful to Rabbi Naftali Rabinowitz, Jewish Chaplain, Spiritual Care and Chaplaincy, of The Johns Hopkins Hospital, and the amazing team at The Johns Hopkins Hospital who partnered with the Jewish Caring Network to make this project come to fruition,” notes Mrs. Goldenberg, JCN’s Director of Operations.