Threatening Letter Placed On Grave Of Entebbe Hero Yoni Netanyahu

By Arutz-7
Posted on 06/30/23 | News Source: Arutz-7

A letter containing threats to harm Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was placed on the grave of Yonatan (Yoni) Netanyahu on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

Israel Police and Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) are investigating the incident, but no suspects have been arrested, Ynet reported.

Earlier this week, PM Netanyahu and his younger brother Iddo participated in a memorial event marking 47 years since Yoni Netanyahu fell while commanding Operation Yonatan in Entebbe, Uganda.

A senior figure in the ISA commented: "The ISA does not intend to ignore a deliberate threat to a prime minister that was placed on the grave of an Israeli hero, and it will deal with the incident with all the tools at their disposal."

National Unity leader MK Benny Gantz condemned the letter as well: "It is forbidden to resort to violence, it is forbidden to threaten violence, and beyond the seriousness of the incident - it is a moral disgrace to desecrate the grave of someone who fell in battle while working for Israel's security. I hope and expect that the police and the ISA will lay hands on the writer and bring him to justice."