Handle with Love - Book Review

By BJLIfe/Sharon Altshul
Posted on 06/06/23

Jerusalem, Israel - June 6, 2023  - Numerous guidance books are based on Jewish sources and offer insights and advice on various aspects of parenting. Two classics are "The Blessing of a Skinned Knee: Using Jewish Teachings to Raise Self-Reliant Children" by Wendy Mogel and "To Raise a Jewish Child: A Guide for Parents" by Hayim H. Donin.

"Handle with Love, the Path to Joyful Jewish Parenting" was published in 2023, by Rebbetzin Devorah Eisenbach, and opens with praising letters from Rebbetzin Kalmanowitz, Rabbi Hanoch Teller, Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Feuer, and Rabbi Zev Leff.

The book, dedicated in memory of her parents and in-laws, would give them great nachas to see their love and guidance transmitted to further generations.

A respected teacher, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother Rebbetzin Eisenbach was encouraged to publish her knowledge and experience of parenting.

In the book's forward, she writes, "Parents, like tour guides, are teachers without classrooms. While guiding and shepherding our children, we teach them what is important and how to view the world."  

As an experienced teacher, the author includes personal stories to convey the information she wants to transmit in an easy-to-read text and format.

Page after page, she provides tips and quotes to guide the young parent and not-so-young reader with valuable life lessons based on Torah values she has learned.  

Seeking the advice of Rav Yisrael Yaakov Fisher,  she was told "When you push, you push away." Nothing positive can be accomplished by coercion, as humans reject anything forced on them is one bit of wisdom she shares.

The first chapter, titled "The Three Things You MUST Know About Parenting" begins with "1. It's All from Hashem." There are 14 chapters, with a summary at the end of each with bullet points to summarize and highlight and to reinforce content. 

There are no photographs. One chart was included in the book and would have been better printed on one page and not divided. A glossary with the Hebrew and Yiddish words used throughout is at the end of the book. 

Over and over, the comments and tips are not just good parenting advice, but important life lessons. One example is a quote from her brother, "We don't have problems; we have challenges. Challenges are opportunities for growth in work clothes." How similar to lectures by various life and business coaches.

Inspired by the references concerning Rebbetzin Eisenbach's mother's wisdom and guidance, I searched online to learn Dr. Gertrude Mikels Webb z"l was a dynamic force in the education field for students with dyslexia succeeding at the college level.  

Perfect reading for a long Shabbat afternoon, I bookmarked many passages. However, one I will share to close, "Whether we choose to be a "giver" or a "taker" is one of our most important life decisions. If we can instill within our children, through our words and actions, the feeling that it truly is better to be a "giver" than a "taker" we have given them an invaluable gift."

Transitioning from taker to giver, from child to adult, is a long process. Rebbetzin Eisenbach has given to the world a valuable gift for Jewish parenting based on Torah values. 

Printed in Israel - Tfutza Publications

ISBN: 979-8-88673-047-0

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