Finals Of The KKL-JNF Quiz: Zionism. Man. Environment. Heritage (Photo Essay)

By BJLIfe/Sharon Altshul
Posted on 06/06/23

Jerusalem, Israel - June 6, 2023 - The excitement level was high in Jerusalem, Israel's International Conference Center's main auditorium for the Finals of the KKL-JNF Quiz: Zionism. Man. Environment. Heritage on Tuesday, June 6, 2023.

Nine teams of boys and girls from the 5th-6th grades reached the final stage of the KKL-JNF Quiz: Zionism. Man. Environment and Heritage. As the 18 student finalists sat on the stage, each team was supported by their fellow students who came, from Kibbutz Saad in the south and from other locations around Israel, including a northern school Daliot from Yokenam which came in third place.

In first place was Orot Etzion - Neve Daniel from Gush Etzion, and in second place was Yehuda Halevi School in Jerusalem.

They read, studied, and delved into various issues related to 120 basic concepts in diverse fields of knowledge, including history, heritage, knowledge of the land, sustainability, climate, and of course KKL-JNF. They spent many hours, preparing alone and with the educational teams for the time to demonstrate their knowledge. The quiz even included a fast-timed round of questions.

This year's quiz marked the 75th anniversary of Israel's independence. The event hall was named after Menachem Osishkin, chairman of KKL-JNF, who headed the organization for 20 years.

Hundreds of people joined the event, including family members and friends who loudly cheer on their friends on the stage.  Entertainers lightened the tension with skits and songs during the competition. 

Ma'ayan Dahan, Director of the Education and Community Division at KKL-JNF summed up the experience: "We have reached a peak moment in an invested and unique educational process that Keren Kayemet carries throughout the school year. The 18 participants who reached the finals spent two exciting days in Jerusalem and from our point of view everyone who reached this stage is a winner and we all benefited together."