Posted on 03/28/23
Baltimore, MD - Mar. 28, 2023 - Ohr Chadash Academy (OCA) is proud to announce that four students from its Chidon HaTanach classes have qualified for the national finals of the Chidon HaTanach competition in New York on April 30.Mazel Tov to Elan Levi (‘24) and Noam Wiener (‘23) who qualified from the Middle School division, and Alina Rosen and Racheli Schwarzenberger (‘22) who qualified from the High School division.
The Chidon HaTanach is sponsored by the Jewish Agency and is open to students in grades 6-12. OCA is registered in the highly competitive Hebrew Middle School and Hebrew High School divisions of the Chidon HaTanach for schools that learn and master the text in Lashon HaKodesh. Over 600 students from across the United States participated in the first round of tests.
Under the guidance of Rabbi Mordechai Abrahams, 12 dedicated OCA middle school students, and alumni, worked hard to learn the majority of Sefer Shemot, and all of Melachim Bet, Yonah and Esther. The High School students also completed Yoel, Amos, Ovadiah, and Chaggai. At the national finals, students take further tests and celebrate their knowledge of these sefarim. The top four students will represent the U.S. in the International Chidon HaTanach competition next summer. OCA is thrilled that for the fifth consecutive year it will be sending representatives to national finals.
Hatzlacha Rabbah to Elan, Noam, Alina and Racheli!