Special Seder Limud L’zeicher Nishmas Habachur Chaim Moshe Cohen, Z'L (Video & Photos)

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 03/27/23

Baltimore, MD – Mar. 27, 2023 - Last Tuesday night, a special Seder Limud took place in memory of HaBachur Chaim Moshe Cohen, Z'L, at the Agudah of Park Heights. This inspirational gathering brought together Rebbeim, Baal Habatim, Bochurim, and boys of all ages, creating a diverse and unified atmosphere of limud HaTorah and an increase in ruchniyus. Together, they learned hundreds of Perakim of Mishnayos l’zeicher nishmas Chaim Moshe, z'l.. The dedication and passion of those in attendance served as a testament to the impact Chaim Moshe, z'l, had on their lives and their commitment to perpetuating his legacy. A kol Torah filled the air, creating a powerful and uplifting energy that will surely be cherished by all who participated in this meaningful event.