Netanyahu's 'Compensation Plan' For Deri To Be Revealed In Coming Days

By Arutz-7
Posted on 01/19/23 | News Source: Arutz-7

Minister Aryeh Deri has been holding intensive discussions with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the last day following the Supreme Court decision to disqualify him from serving as a minister.

Channel 12 News reported that that Netanyahu and Deri's goal is to present a solution to the public even before the letter firing the Shas chairman from the government is published, most likely on Sunday, but there remain several gaps between their positions.

Deri, for his part, wants the position of 'alternate prime minister 'right now. He prefers not to go through a complicated legislative path in the Knesset. In his opinion, this is also a position that has immunity from criticism by the Supreme Court.

On the other hand, Netanyahu's associates fear that Deri's appointment to the position of alternate prime minister will also be rejected by the justices of the Supreme Court. Along with this, there is also a concern of Netanyahu who prefers not to share the title of prime minister.

Netanyahu's proposal to Derai is to pass legislation that would establish that the appointment of a minister by the Prime Minister and with the approval of the Knesset will not be subject to judicial review by the Supreme Court - but to the matter of the eligibility conditions that appear in the law. Ostensibly, this is a solution that will bypass the judges' decision on the matter of reasonableness and judicial estoppel, but it is clear that this issue would also be taken to the Supreme Court.