Disturbing Report: Iranian Hackers Control Security Cameras Around Israel

By Arutz-7
Posted on 12/21/22 | News Source: Arutz-7

Last month, only hours after two bombs went off at the entrance to Jerusalem and at the Ramot junction in the capital, killing two and injuring others, an additional threat, as concerning as the bombs themselves, was brought to the attention of the Israeli public, when security camera footage surfaced, depicting the explosions and the issuing chaos at the entrance to Jerusalem.

The footage was not published by any official source, but rather by "Moses Staff," a hacking group associated with the Islamic Republic of Iran.

According to a report by Kan News, this is not the first time an Iranian-linked hacking group leaked Israeli security camera footage, in fact, these leaks are an unsettlingly common occurrence. For instance, a year ago, the same group, "Moses Staff," leaked footage from the same camera in Jerusalem to its Telegram channel.

According to the report, the fact that an Iranian organization hacked the camera, which serves a security agency, was known to the security establishment for a while, but not a thing was done. Within just a few minutes on the channel, one can find security footage from cameras in places such as the streets of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and even the surroundings of the Refael arms factory.

The fact that hackers can break into any security camera, including the ones in the most sensitive locations and even in our homes, is disturbing, but the Iranian connection makes it even more so.

The Kan News report mentions several different hacking organizations that are connected to the regime and act against Israel: Hackers of Savior, for instance, attacks logistics and shipping companies, Sharp Boys attacks small websites and attempts to crosscheck private info of politicians and prime ministers, and Open Hands launches attacks in response to operations it connects to the Mossad.