Posted on 12/08/22
| News Source: Arutz-7
Mirna Bennett, the mother of former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, spoke about the lawsuit that her son filed against individuals who allegedly slandered him, including Rabbi Ronen Shaulov who claimed that she and her late husband are not Jews.
"My life is very interesting. Suddenly I'm not Jewish anymore," Mirna said sarcastically in an interview with Radio 103FM on Thursday and added: "When it first came out half a year ago, I was in shock. I thought about my parents who came to the US from Poland and Russia because of pogroms and half of their families stayed in the hands of the Nazis. Suddenly it happened to me in the beginning, I thought that it was something weird that would pass and now I understand that it all begins to be fact to those who want to believe it."
Because of the extent that the rumor that she is indeed a convert traveled, Mirna says that even people who know her spoke to her about it. "People who know me. Nice people called me and said, 'Good for you, you got so far. We didn't know that you're a convert.' I said, 'You should know that if I were a convert I would be proud of it. I'm not a convert.' A week and a half ago the very kind wife of my grandson, she's a nurse, and someone saw her name tag with the name 'Bennett', and this woman asked 'Are you connected to Bennett?' and she answered yes, and the woman said that he took all of the money from the state to build his house and he's not even Jewish. Then I understood how deep it goes."