Posted on 11/16/22
Baltimore, MD - Nov. 15, 2022 - A large, near capacity crowd filled both the main section and the entrance foyer of the Khal Chassidim Kollel building on Park Heights Ave. for the dinner honoring the Yahrzeit of the great Gaon HaRav Michoel Forshlager, ztk"l. The crowd never thinned out until the event ended though people were continuously leaving and entering. The food and service, once again, was exemplary, though the crowd came l'kovod the Tzadik, whose yahrzeit was being observed. In addition to the Kollel members and many community members, several rabbonim came as well. Among them were Rabbi Dovid Katz, who as a little boy remembered his father, Mr. Leo Katz, a"h, pointing out Rav Forshlager to him, Rabbi Uri Milrod, and Rabbi Eitan Mintz. Other Rabbonim expressed interest in attending but were unable to do so due to prior commitments.
Additionally, several people traveled great distances to attend. Among them were Rav Benzion Bergman, author of Michoel B'Achas, and his father Rav Yakov Bergman, a great supporter of the project, from Borough Park and Seagate, respectively. The great, great grandson of Rav Michoel, Rav Pichas Kreizel, who just recently reprinted the original Toras Michoel, came in with his wife and daughter from Crown Heights, and former Baltimorean Rabbi Avrum Moshe Friedmann, author of the English Biography, The Hidden Giant of the Torah World, made the trip from Yerushalayim for the express purpose of attending.
Shortly after the guests were seated, the Master of Ceremonies, Rav Moishe Teitelbaum, gave a small talk about the Gadlus of Rav Forshlager and then introduced HaRav Yakov Bergman whose divrei Torah centered around a drasha of the Ra"n and elaborated on the great importance of visiting Kivrei Tzadikim. Rav Teitelbaum next introduced the Rosh Kollel HaGaon Rav Amram Jungreis who spoke about the greatness of Rav Forshlager and also made a Sium for his nightly shiur of Maseches Taanis. Rabbi Kreisel, next spoke about the projects that were being worked on to be completed the following year. It should be pointed out that the third volume: Toras Michoel al HaTorah on Vayikra, BaMidbar and Devarim, was released in the past year completing the project of "Al HaTorah." "The next year," he said, "will see the publication of a Tshuva and related Divrei Torah which Rav Forshlager wrote on the requirement of a Mechitza. In manuscript form, this Maamar fills about 140 pages!"
After this, the Oilam was greeted by and rose in honor of the Koidinover Rebbe and his three Gaboim. The Koidinover spoke about how important it was to honor this great Gaon and what a zchus it was for the organizers and attendees. Finally, Rabbi Friedmann from Israel related his experiences over the past year including various yeshuos to himself and his family, several attributable to tfilos said at Rav Forshlager's kever. Then, he expressed his pride at owning and using two walls from Rav Forshlager's own succah for much of his childhood. He went on to show how the mathematical constant Pi is related to the Succah and why Chazal chose not to use this number for their measurements. Rav Benzion Bergman concluded the Hilula by leading the bentching.
Places were set for 100 people including men and women; however, many people had to leave and others took their places, so that it is estimated that around 200 people were in attendance. It also should be mentioned, that there was total respect and decorum during the time when the Rabbonim were speaking.
Credit for this beautiful and m'chubadika celebration must be shared. First to the Rosh Kollel Rav Amram Jungreis for his relentless work in the planning and advertising and obtaining funding. Rav Benzion Bergman, who, as always, plays a major role in anything related to Rav Forshlager's Torah and memory. This event was no exception. Rav Kreizel shares credit for his work in the advertising in setting up for both the dinner and arranging the ohel and various arrangement at the kever. Also, he brought several family members to attend and assist in the arrangements. And finally, Harav Eliezer Villigrad and his Rebbetzin, for their tireless efforts of catering and setting up the hall and hiring waiters to ensure a beautiful, professional and successful event.
On the following day, nearly all the attendees visited the kever of Rav Forshlager. However, it should be noted that many both from Baltimore and out of town were present at all times during the day and even after dark. A conservative estimate of the number of visitors on that day was around 1,000 mispallelim. Buses and mini-buses came from several parts of Brooklyn, Monroe, Monsey and other parts of the New York area including Lakewood. The Koidinover Rebbe and his Gaboim came to mispallel at the kever as well. HaRav Yonah Sklare, a Rosh Kollel of several local Kollelim also visited the kever. Last year, he named his son, whose bris was on the yahrzeit after Rav Forshlager.
A Table was set up with handouts of Thilim l'Kovod the Yahrzeit provided by the Bergman family. Candles were also provided. At the entrance to the cemetery, a table was set up for a Tikun, which included cake, mashke and even meals for those who traveled great distances.
It should be pointed out that the area was thoroughly cleaned up by the next day by various organizers and especially the Rosh Kollel, a real Kiddush Hashem.
In the zchus of the Tzaddik, may all the Tfillos be answered.