A Former Baltimorean is the Un-official Grandmother of The IDF And Part-Time Guardian Of Israel

By Israel365
Posted on 07/10/22 | News Source: Israel365

Yehudis Schamroth is many things to many people. She practices alternative medicine and is an experienced acupuncturist and Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA). But a surprisingly large group of lone soldiers know her as their unofficial “savta” (grandmother).officially an Israel365 Guardian of Israel, 

Yehudis began her career as an IDF mother with her own son. 

“I saw how much goes into taking care of a soldier,” Yehudis said. “Suddenly, doing his laundry and cooking his favorite food took on an entirely new dimension. I made sure that he made it to the train on time.”

Every Israeli knows how difficult it is to be a soldier in the IDF. After a physically and emotionally grueling week in army fatigues, soldiers are generally given half a day on Friday to travel home, a full day on Shabbat to recuperate, and are expected back on base Sunday morning. During that time, they are expected to launder their uniforms and carry out any personal chores. This is when ‘eema’ (mother) and ‘abba’ (father) are a vital part of the IDF, feeding and caring for their sons and daughters in uniform. For most IDF soldiers, a home-cooked meal and a clean uniform are just a bus ride away. 

But lone soldiers are alone. They are typically new immigrants, unfamiliar with the language, and find simple tasks difficult. They have no friends, family, or community to call on for help.

That is where Yehudis steps in. When Yehudis began to meet loan soldiers, she couldn’t stand idle and not help.

“They volunteer and leave their homes to serve and protect us,” she said. “And they never ask for help or anything in return. They deserve to have a little extra care and attention.”

If they need something, she helps connect them with organizations that can help. Yehudis has been helping lone soldiers for years and in the meantime, several praiseworthy organizations have been established that help lone soldiers. But Yehudis provides the personal touch. If the soldier needs a ride to the bus or help to navigate the complex bureaucracy of Israel, she helps. And if they need a warm shoulder to cry on, she is there. Read more at Israel365