Vizhnitzer Rebbe Taken To Hospital Due to Weakness and Difficulty Breathing

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 04/06/22 | News Source: MATZAV

The Vizhnitzer Rebbe of Bnei Brak, Rav Yisroel Hager, was transported to a hospital overnight after feeling unwell at his home in Kiryat Viznitz in Bnei Brak.

The rebbe, who returned this week from Croatia, where the Igud Mosdos Vizhnitz conference was held, had kabbalas kahal earlier in the night. In the middle, the rebbe felt weak, and on the recommendation of his doctors, he went for tests at the hospital.

At first it was expected that the rebbe would return to his home immediately to continue receiving people, but later it became clear that the rebbe was having difficulty breathing and required oxygen. On the recommendation of the medical staff, he underwent further tests and he davened Maariv at the hospital.

A trip that was planned today to Yerushalayim, with stops at the admorim of Belz, Gur and Toldos Aharon, along with an event for Kimcha Depisha, is likely canceled.

All are asked to daven for Yisroel ben Leah Esther.