Posted on 03/30/22
Jerusalem, Israel – Mar. 30, 2022 - Last Tuesday Israel opened the first foreign humanitarian field hospital in war-torn Ukraine. The hospital, named “Shining Star,” is operated by Sheba Medical Center, Israel’s Health Ministry, and the Clalit health management organization. Hundreds of Ukrainians have been treated since its opening.
Head of “Shining Star” Hospital, Lt. Col. (Res) Mr. Yoel Har-Even, joined MediaCentral via zoom on March 30, 2022, to discuss the first week of operations, challenges, and plans for the immediate future. He will also led a fascinating online tour of the facility.
Har-Even is the Director of the International Division & Resource Development at Sheba Medical Center. He served in the Israel Defense Forces for 28 years - starting out as a front-line combat medic and rapidly ascending through the ranks to become Assistant to the Surgeon General.
For the mission, Israel is committed until the middle of April, to the field hospital staffed by volunteers. Both Russian and Ukrainian speakers and translators are involved in bringing western medicine to an area in great need.
There are specialists, Emergency Room, imaging, and blood support available so that a lot can be done for the patient in a short time.
The first shift under Yoel Har-Even is to leave on Sunday and another Israel delegation is to take over the humanitarian field hospital center in the town of Mostyska by the Polish-Ukrainian border.
The photo essay includes screenshots from the video tour of the Shining Star campus and area.