Nikolsberg Celebrates Past And Future (Photo Essay)

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 07/27/21

History was made last week with the celebration of a Hachnosos Sefer Torah in Woodbourne. This coming Sunday there will be yet another Sefer given to that famous Shul of the Nikolsberger Rebbe, known simply as Woodbourne Shul; or Nikolsberg. Besides for the rarity of two Sifrei Torah given to the same place within such a short period of time, these events indicate multiple significant developments both past and present. The donors of both Sifrei Torah, Mr. Mordy Bistritzky and Mr. Ezra Kapnick, are students of the Nikolsberger Rebbe from their early youth in Yeshivas Rabeinu Chaim Berlin. The fact that so many years later they still feel such a connection with their Alef-Beis Rebbe speaks volumes.

This is the first time since the Shul reopened that a Hachnosos Sefer Torah took place. Why now? What new occurrence inspired two isolated people to make the massive commitment and undertaking. Sifrei Torah don’t grow on trees, you know.

If you are asking this question, you clearly haven’t been to Woodbourne lately. Come on in, any time of day, any time of year and you will see a serious Shul with all the trimmings and trappings, plus.

You read that correctly!

Nikolsberg is officially open year-round! The Country is exploding in the summer and thousands of mispalelim are entering daily. This is besides for the thousands who find a minyan in the front or newly renovated back deck and have no need to even enter. This amounts to tens of thousands of yidden benefiting from this legendary Shul. Now, it is more than just a summer Shul, Nikolsberg has evolved into a full-fledged kehila, neigh, a chasidus! Fear not, a Nikolsberger chasid need not conform to a certain dress code, nusach, or hashkafa. Oh no, not in Nikolsberg! A chasid is one who follows his Rebbe, and in Nikolsberg, the Rebbe welcomes everyone, values every Jew, and exudes love indiscriminately. Sure, there are those who walk into Nikolsberg and are displeased. “How can he dress like that?”, they wonder. “Where’s the kavod hatefila?”, asks another. They too will soon come to know and love that things work differently here. limaila miderech hatevah. Is there any other way to describe the revolution that is Nikolsberg?

These great events coincide with the centennial anniversary of Woodbourne Shul. We are entering into the next phase. Things are moving faster now. In only a few more years, when Woodbourne is once again a year-round thriving Jewish community and Nikolsberg is its cornerstone, you, my dear reader, may just be able to say: “I remember when it all began. I was at that Hachnosos Sefer Torah that started it all”.

Last week, amidst the commotion, the Rebbe received a phone call. An unnamed fellow yid languishing in the Woodbourne penitentiary wanted to let him know that the music from the celebration was heard all around the grounds. Jews and gentiles alike were swept up in the euphoric atmosphere and they began dancing. Nikolsberg effects everyone!

Come celebrate, come dance, sing, jump, cry, as we parade our victory. It wasn’t easy to open and every step of the way was fraught with difficulties and challenges. Nikolsberg saw them all, overcame them all and emerged stronger than ever. Is that not the story of Jewish History?