BDE: Dr. Werner Cohen, z'l

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 06/13/21

Baltimore, MD – June 13, 2021 - It is with regret that informs the community of the petira of Dr. Werner Cohen, z'l,  father of Mrs. Debbie (Dr. Mark) Katz, Mrs. Hedy (Howard) Shiman, and Mrs. Malka (Michelle) (Nosson Tzvi) Cohen.

The Levayah will take place today at 2:30pm at Levinson's followed by kevurah at Chevras Ahavas Chesed Cemetery, 9780 Liberty Road, Randallstown, MD 21133.

The levayah will be live streamed on

Shiva will be observed at 6006 Baywood Avenue, Baltimore, MD, 21209.

Mrs. Debbie Katz will sit in Baltimore through Tuesday and will return to Silver Spring on Wednesday and may be reached by phone or text at 301-675-6684.

Additional information about Shiva in Silver Spring forthcoming.

Bila HaMaves LaNetzach...