When Will Cicadas Finally Leave? An Entomologist Explains

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 06/11/21 | News Source: WBAL

Over the next few weeks, you will notice them dying out, and driveways and sidewalks will resemble a battleground.

To say that the cicadas are making their presence known in much of the U.S. is an understatement, but when will the insects finally leave?

A bug expert spoke with Baltimore sister station WBAL-TV about why cicadas have been especially annoying - and when they'll leave for another 17 years.

They may not bite, but many people agree the cicadas are a nuisance. From being all over the ground to flying into you, there's no escaping them.

"It is cicadas gone wild, but they're teenagers, only 17 years old. It's their day in the sun. There's been a lot of crazy romance in the treetops," said Dr. Michael Raupp, entomologist at the University of Maryland.

Raupp said right now, the cicadas are flying everywhere.

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"All the females have now been impregnated and they are flying to the trees to lay their eggs, so they're flying from places where they found their mates to small trees and other vegetation, while they lay their eggs," Raupp said.

Some people said all the activity and noise doesn't bother them.

"I got a little baby and sometimes they'll fly into the stroller and get on her, but she doesn't seem to mind," a Baltimore City resident said.

One woman said she traveled 50 miles to experience this part of nature.

"The sound is strange but sort of inviting for me, because (it's) something I don't see in Pennsylvania. It's rare for me, so I'm enjoying it, actually," the Pennsylvania woman said. Read more at WBAL