Mir Yerushalayim Day of Learning in Baltimore in Person – This Sunday, Dec. 6

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 12/06/20

Baltimore, MD – Dec. 2, 2020 - It’s been a very long time since the Mir has had the opportunity of sharing Divrei Chizuk with the community. With the consent of the local Rabbanim and lay leaders, the Mir has organized a morning of learning in person with the COVID-19 restrictions and precautions in place. The hope is that everyone will benefit and be inspired as we all prepare for Chanukah, a zman of a display of Nissim and Yad Hashem.

The Mir has special warm feelings for the Baltimore community and is delighted to offer Chizuk seeing how the community at large with Yeshivas Mir are one close knit family.

We hope that the sweet taste of Torah will outweigh those sugary donuts and you will be part of this קידוש שם שמים.

THIS SUNDAY: Kol Torah 2929 Fallstaff Road

If unable to attend in person, email for a Zoom link.