Attention Day Camps: These Nine Days, Enhance Your Campers’ Summer with Bnos Agudath Israel’s Senior Visitation Virtual Program

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 07/14/20

Over the course of the pandemic many of us have suffered from isolation and the difficulty of being separated from our friends and family. Unfortunately, no one has quite felt the brunt of the extended shutdown like our nursing home seniors. For months on end, our elderly have been deprived of seeing their families while also missing other visitors and activities that bring simchah into their lives.  

 Now is your chance to do something about this. This summer, Agudath Israel’s Bnos Division is proud to present the first ever Senior Visitation Virtual Program. This Nine Days, day camps will perform for nursing homes - virtually! This unique program provides the seniors with chizuk while giving your campers a worthy activity for the Nine Days.  

 Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity - be one of the many day camps signing up and give your campers an experience they will treasure forever.  

 For more information or to sign up call 848.373.2559 or email