Back to School! Torah Institute (TI) to Offer Limited & Safe In-Class Learning for Grades 1-8

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 05/27/20

Baltimore, MD - May 27, 2020: Torah Institute (TI) sent this very exciting email to their parent body just a few minutes ago

Dear Parents,

We hope this letter finds you and your family well.

The challenges of the past three months have been many. Our lives as parents, children, neighbors, shul-goers, learners, workers and all other roles we play have been turned upside down. While the challenging times are not over, we can be proud and grateful for the overall way our community and families have been weathering this storm with tremendous Siyata d’Shmaya. With the Yom Tov of Shavuos here, we can say, as Rav Yosef famously proclaimed in the Gemara in Pesochim, אי לאו האי יומא דקא גרים כמה יוסף איכא בשוקא. If not for the Torah we received on Shavuos, each role we play would be daunting. The Torah and the guidance we have received from our Gedolei Torah and Rabbonim have allowed us to synthesize the challenges presented in each of these roles and hopefully channel them to a period of growth. May we be zoche to continued Siyata d’Shmaya.

Keeping our talmidim engaged with non-visual remote learning has occupied the minds of our Menahalim, Rebbeim and Moros every waking (and sleeping) minute. While we have, Boruch Hashem, seen success, non-visual remote learning cannot compare to learning face-to-face with a rebbi or morah in the classroom.

That is why we are thrilled to let you know that we have just received permission from Baltimore County to make available the option of in-class learning in a limited and safe manner.  This is not a general reopening of the Cheder; there will be no gym, no recess and no lunch. Rather, we are being permitted to provide limited and safe face-to-face sessions for a few hours a day. Initially, this will only be for Grades 1-8.

With the encouragement of our Cheder’s Rabbonim, the attached Protocols to Provide Restricted and Safe In-Class Learning Sessions have been reviewed and approved by the Baltimore County Department of Health for our Cheder. While, we are making in-class learning available, it is your decision whether to send your son(s) to Cheder. For talmidim whose parents would rather keep them home, the rebbeim will live broadcast these in-class sessions by phone.

Based on these Baltimore County-approved Protocols, we envision two sessions a day split by alphabetical order. The first session would be from 10:00am to 11:30am, and the second session from 12:30pm to 2:00pm. As this is all new to everyone, it is understood that adjustments may need to be made along the way.

We hope to begin one day next week, bez”H. Please click on the link below and complete the form to indicate if your son(s) would attend these in-class sessions. We ask that you complete the form no later than Sunday noontime so we know the number of talmidim planning to attend. We will then send out a more specific schedule and start date.

Best wishes for an uplifting זמן מתן תורתינו and a wonderful Yom Tov.

Protocols to Provide Restricted and Safe In-Class Learning Sessions
Based on CDC's Guidelines for Reopening Schools

1. Cars will line up and drop off students one car at a time directly in front of the building.
2. Parents will not be allowed to leave their car. Staff will be onsite to ensure compliance.
3. Upon arrival, school staff will inquire and confirm that students are not showing any symptoms
such as but not limited to:
•   Fever of 100.4 or above
•   Cough
•   Shortness of breath
•   Recent loss of taste and or smell
•   Vomiting and or diarrhea
•   Generalized fatigue
•   Muscle aches
•   Contact with a Covid-19 positive case within the last 14 days

4. Front doors will be propped open to avoid any touching of door handles.
5. Six foot distance indicators will be clearly marked out on the main lobby floor so that staff
and students will know the proper distance they need to maintain.
6. All staircase and hallway doors will remain propped open the entire day.
7. Students will proceed directly to their classrooms.
8. Outside the classroom, all staff will be required to wear face masks at all times.

1. There will be two shifts. The first shift will begin to arrive at 9:45am and classes will be
from 10:00am until 11:30am. The second shift will begin to arrive at 12:15pm and classes will be
from 12:30pm until 2:00pm. The timing between the shifts might need to be widened if deemed
2. There will be no recess or lunch served. Snacks will be eaten in the classroom.
3. All the students in the first shift will wait outside on the very large front field to be picked
up. Staff in face masks will be onsite to ensure proper social distancing is maintained.

1. The teacher’s desk will have a shield installed on the front part serving as a barrier between
the teacher and the students.
2. The teacher must wear a mask at all times except when behind the shield. All teaching must be
done behind the barrier.
3. There will be a maximum of 10 people permitted in the classroom at one time. This number
includes the teacher, students, aides, etc.
4. Desks will be spaced in a staggered manner ensuring a minimum of 6 feet of space between each
5. Students will remain only in their own classrooms and not switch to any other classroom or

1. Students and staff will be instructed to wash hands and cover coughs and sneezes.
2. Hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol will be available throughout the building.
3. Signs on how to stop the spread of COVID-19, properly wash hands, promote everyday protective
measures, and properly wear a face covering will be posted.
4. Our janitorial staff will clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces within the school
throughout the day (door handles, sink handles, etc.)
5. Drinking fountains will be closed.
6. Lockers will be off-limits to students.
7. To provide extra ventilation and increase circulation of outdoor air as much as possible, all
exterior doors and windows will be opened the entire day. We will ensure this does not pose any
safety or health risk to students or staff.
8. Nonessential visitors will not be allowed onsite.
9. Will consider staff members older than 60 years of age and/or those with underlying medical
conditions to continue working remotely as much as possible and all onsite office staff will comply
with these guidelines.

These protocols are a working document and it is understood that adjustments may need to be made
along the way. Torah Institute is committed to working hand-in-hand with the Baltimore County
Department of Health to ensure the safety of our students and staff.