Watch: How To Avoid The COVID-19: An Excellent Presentation By A Front Line Intensivist (Video)

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 03/30/20

How to avoid the COVID-19:

                                                                                    The reason for wearing a mask is not to prevent you from inhaling the virus. It's to prevent you from touching your face with your hand.

Always know where your hands are.
Purell your hands after you touch anything outside. Touch a doorknob, purell, touch a button, purell. Touch a grocery cart, purell.

You don't need a medical mask if you don't have one. You just need something to prevent your from touching your face.

Prolonged (15-30 minute) exposure to a patient with the disease is why you will catch the virus. The chance of catching it from something in the air is unlikely

Keep your distance. Find and keep to your small group. Small social circles.

Don't be scared of the outside world. Don't be scared of your neighbor. The delivery person is a hero. The mailman is a hero.

What to do if you get sick with the COVID I.
Family transmission is the most common way of catching the disease.

If you get a fever or body aches, if you are able, isolate yourself from your family. If isolation isn't possible, the sick person should wear the mask, wash their hands, and not touch anyone or anything without cleaning the surface or hands. When your feeling better, you can enter the real world if you'll wear a mask and keep your hands clean.

Routine COLD vs. COVID
Assume it's COVID for a couple of days. If your getting better quickly, you don't have COVID.

Vulnerable people and sick people should not be in the same house or should be completely isolated.

When do you go to the hospital?
If you are short of breath, COME TO THE HOSPITAL. Fever or body aches can be observed at home.

Should I get tested?
Depends on the availability of the test. Will need to follow the community standards. If it's available, and you take it, it's helpful to know that you're negative. It's the flu or a cold.