Four Ideas to Enhance Your Seder (Photos)

By BJLife/Ephraim Horowitz
Posted on 04/02/20

Baltimore, MD  - Apr. 2, 2020 -The source in the Torah to tell over the Haggadah comes from Exodus 13:8 – And you shall tell your son on that day saying, “It is because of this that Hashem acted on my behalf when I left Egypt.” (Artscroll Translation). Harav Elyakim Rosenblatt sites the Targum Onkelos that translate the beginning of the verse as “You shall show your son.” From this we learn that we should make the Passover seder as real an experience as possible for our children (and ourselves).

I have compiled four simple and inexpensive ideas that may help bring more reality, enjoyment and memories to your seder. In addition, some of these ideas may give you and your family some activities to do in preparation for the seder.

1. Blood

Exodus 12:7 says “They shall take some of its blood and place it on the two doorposts and on the lintel of the houses…” A simple decoration can impress upon your seder guests what it is like to eat a meal with this requirement. The blood drops in the photo are cut from red construction paper and glued together. Can’t draw a blood drop? No problem. I have prepared a template that you can print out yourself. See my One Drive folder link at the end of this article.

2. Hail

Exodus 9:24 says “There was hail, and fire amid the hail…” Rashi brings the Midrash that says that the fire was inside of the hail.

One way to visualize this is to decorate ping pong balls with fire. Dollar stores often carry ping pong balls which are worthless for ping pong but great for hail. Using red, orange and yellow permanent markers can create quite an effect.

3. Splitting of The Sea

The Splitting of the Sea is clearly a major event of the Exodus. Based on a suggestion from my son, we act this out every year to the glee of the children. This is a bit more involved than the previous ideas. It goes like this.

First, two adults each take a blue bedsheet and hold it open. The adults face each other with the two sheets against each other. This represents the Yam Suf in its normal state.

Then we give the kids matzah and have them run up to the Yam Suf like the Jews leaving Egypt. The matzah is made from the bottom of matzah boxes as shown (hand and machine shmurah of course).

As they approach the sea, it splits and the kids run through.

Next, we give the kids horses to pretend to be Egyptians chasing the Jews through the Yam Suf. Horses are easily made from foam noodles also available at dollar stores. I just bend them over about eight inches from the top and tie them tightly with a string. Two eyes is all you need to bring them to life. The kids ride the horses up to and through the Yam Suf  which then collapses on them.

For an additional activity, you can decorate the sheets with pictures of fish and fruit.

4. Bingo

Pesach Bingo games are readily available but I have one that can be used at the seder to help focus the attention of those who may tend to drift. It has several boards at different levels. You cover spaces when you find the words in the Haggadah. Some of the words are puns. This is also available at the link shown below. Here is one board.


One drive link:!AirDKFmGbVvSsRxiMihxBJApvdUK?e=ivMwdD

You are free to print and distribute the blood drops template and the bingo game for non-commercial uses.

Chag Sameach.