Local Orthodox Jewish Schools to Close Beginning Sunday

By BJLife Newsroom
Posted on 03/13/20

Baltimore, Md - Mar. 12, 2020 - In coordination with the Vaad HaRabbonim and medical professionals, and following the recommendation of Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, our schools have made the difficult decision to close after this week. The Governor this afternoon mandated that all Maryland public schools remain closed beginning next week for at least two weeks, and has recommended that private schools do the same. The medical situation is continuously changing, but we will stay closed as long as medically indicated.  

 As always, the safety of our students, staff and every member of our community is our highest priority.  While home, we urge parents to remain vigilant in making sure that their children are not in any group settings, and should avoid public areas unless absolutely necessary. This is a very severe step being taken for community safety to reduce disease transmission. It will only be effective if parents remain vigilant.

 Many of our teachers and staff have been preparing behind the scenes, and there will be opportunities to continue learning during this time. More information about this will be communicated individually by our schools.

 We know that the biggest protection of Klal Yisroel is hevel pihem shel tinokos shel bais raban- the Torah learning of our children. As always, we daven that this unfortunate but necessary hishtadlus helps protect all of us, and all of Klal Yisroel.

 Bais Yaakov

Bnos Yisroel

Cheder Chabad

Darchei Noam


Ohr Chadash

Talmudical Academy

Torah Institute

WITS – Machon Ohr Yehudis (MAALOT)

Yeshiva Toras Chaim

Yeshivas Toras Simcha

Yeshivat Mekor Chaim