Poll: Left And Arabs - 57 Seats, Right And Charedim - 56

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 02/17/20 | News Source: Arutz-7

Blue and White is the largest party with 34 seats, while the Likud wins 33 seats, according to Walla! news poll.

Walla! news poll conducted by the Midgam Institute and released on Monday shows that the political stalemate continues.

If elections were held today, the poll found, Blue and White would be the largest party in the Knesset with 34 seats, while the Likud would win 33 seats.

The predominantly Arab Joint List party wins 13 seats, and the Labor-Gesher-Meretz faction receives ten seats.

The Shas party headed by Aryeh Deri has eight seats, as does United Torah Judaism. Avigdor Liberman’s Yisrael Beyteu party wins seven seats. The Yamina party also has seven seats.

The Otzma Yehudit party does not pass the electoral threshold.

Divided into blocs, the right-wing-haredi bloc has 56 seats, the center-left bloc has 44, the Joint List with 13, and Yisrael Beytenu with seven seats remains the balance of power. Read more at Arutz-7