Please Daven for HaRav Chaim Dov Keller, Shlita

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 01/27/20 | News Source: MATZAV

All are asked to daven for a refuah sheleimah for Rav Chaim Dov Keller, rosh yeshiva of Telshe Yeshiva in Chicago, who is in need of rachamei Shomayim. Tefillah gatherings for Rav Keller were held last night in Chicago and Lakewood.

Rav Keller was born in New York City and subsequently attended the Telshe Yeshiva after it was established in Cleveland, Ohio by Rav Chaim Mordechai Katz and Rav Eliyahu Meir Bloch. Rav Keller became a close talmid of Rav Bloch. Rav Keller later married a daughter of Rav Leizer Levin zt”l, longtime rov of Detroit.

Together with his brother-in-law, Rav Avrohom Chaim Levin, Rav Keller was hand-picked by the leadership of Telshe Yeshiva in Cleveland to oversee the establishment of a similar yeshiva in Chicago in 1960.

One of the senior roshei yeshiva of North America, Rav Keller has for years served as a member of the Nesius of Agudas Yisroel of America.

All are asked to daven for the complete recovery of Rav Chaim Dov ben Kreindel.