Police Decides Not To Investigate As Hate Crime Attack Where Jewish Teens Hats Ripped Off Their Heads In London

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 12/04/19 | News Source: Vosizneias.com

LONDON (VINnews) – Police will not be investigating an attack against three Jewish children on a bus in Stamford Hill, London as a hate crime, according to the London-based nonprofit Campaign Against Antisemitism.

The three visibly Jewish children are believed to have been the only passengers attacked during the incident, which took place on a bus in Clapton Common.

CCTV footage has been captured showing two men running for the number 253 bus, with one slipping at the back door, appearing to attack Jewish passengers, before some passengers begin to exit the bus.

The victims had their hats thrown off and one was punched in the eye.

The incident took place at around 08:15 on the morning of 24th November and was reported by Shomrim Stamford Hill, a Jewish volunteer neighbourhood watch patrol.

The Org. said it’s shocked by it despite the bus being full of passengers and only three visible Jews being attacked.