Monsey Rebbi’s Condition Improves After Wednesday Attack

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 11/21/19 | News Source: Hamodia

NEW YORK - The condition of the Monsey rebbi critically injured in a brutal assault Wednesday has improved considerably, but he is still undergoing multiple surgeries Thursday, as doctors are working to save a stabbed eye.

The 30-year-old victim was stabbed in the back, neck, stomach and one eye, and punched in the face, while walking to shul Wednesday morning, in an apparent random attack.

He underwent multiple surgeries Wednesday at Westchester Medical Center, but doctors could not complete the eye surgery as there was too much trauma to the area.

On Thursday, the patient is undergoing surgery on his skull, following which doctors will perform surgery that will attempt to save the eye.

Readers are asked to daven for the refuah sheleimah of Mordechai ben Bracha, besoch sh’ar cholei Yisrael. Read more at Hamodia