Deposed WeWork Founder Adam Neumann Has Become Chabad

By Arutz Sheva
Posted on 10/25/19 | News Source: MATZAV

WeWork co-founder Adam Neumann has been in the news these past few weeks as his tanking company was bought out by SoftBank, leaving Neumann a severance package worth nearly $1.7 billion.

No longer attached to his office space company, Neumann new investment is of the spiritual nature.

Neumanns mother said that her son now has a different relationship with Judaism. Avivit Neumann, an oncologist, told the Israeli radio channel 103FM that her son is part of Chabad-Lubavitch, a Hasidic group with emissaries across the globe who are focused on reaching out to unaffiliated Jews.

“Recently he has also become religious,” Avivit Neumann said in an interviewed aired Wednesday. “I respect his relationship with religion. It enriches him. Today he is an American Chabadnik. He sings songs on Shabbat and lives in Manhattan.”

Read more at Arutz Sheva.