Israel Museum Hosts Three Summer Exhibits (Photo Essay)

By BJLIfe/Sharon Altshul
Posted on 06/24/19

Jerusalem, Israel - June 24, 2019 - The Israel Museum in Jerusalem, Israel has three very diverse temporary exhibitions on display for summer visitors. Along with its many exhibit halls of Judaica, archeology, culture, classical art, and separate children's wing, the museum has opened a new space on the development of Peter Pan.

Peter and Pan: From Ancient Greece to Neverland 

The large entrance room to this exhibit is filled with ancient Greek statues and the story of Greek gods and mythology and the development of Pan. Families should know these male statues are nude sculptures. After the ancient art, one goes to a display of how Peter Pan developed and the story of James Mathew Barrie. There are short modern videos and a pleasant corner for young children to sit and read and imagine fairies.

Veiled women of the Holy Land: New Trends in Modest Dress

Across the hall and up the stairs from the Peter Pan exhibit is the exhibit of three religions of women's clothing totally concealing the female body. 

Through Time and Space

Entered from the Ancient Civilizations section of the Israel Museum, this darkened room holds the remains of the diary of astronaut Ilan Rimon z"l. Amazing that fragments were recovered and reconstructed after the explosion of the Columbia Spaceship Shuttle. Rimon took a miniature sefer Torah into outer space, which was destroyed in the explosion. A duplicate miniature Torah was found and is on exhibit. The story of its use during the Shoah in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp for a Bar Mitzvah is next to the display case and included in photo essay.