International Gathering In Jerusalem To Combat Antisemitism (Photo Essay)

By BJLIfe/Sharon Altshul
Posted on 06/19/19

Jerusalem, Israel - June 19, 2019 - The first day of The Global Coalition for Israel, GC4I, an international gathering to combat antisemitism and the BDS campaign met at The Inbal Hotel in Jerusalem, Israel on Wednesday, June 19. An estimated 350 participants from 30 countries arrived in Israel as part of a joint international conference to combat the new antisemitism and the delegitimization of Israel under the title, 'We Are One'. The conference was initiated by the Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs and Public Diplomacy Gilad Erdan.

In his introductory powerpoint presentation Tzahi Gavrieli, Acting Director General of the Ministry of Strategic Affairs said that in the last three years analysis has been done and based on facts found the source of BDS, Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions is terror based.  He ended his talk mentioning the Israeli space program. The rest of the world launches satellites with the earth's rotation to get a boost into outer space. Israel scientists, however, had to develop technology to launch Beresteet satellite against the rotation of the earth because of the unfriendly neighboring air space. 

US Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Antisemitism, Elan Carr, was interviewed by Jerusalem Post Editor Yaakov Katz.   Carr said in response to a question when an anti-Zionist gets tenure it gives green light to antisemitism. We must call it what it is "Jew-hatred." There is good news out there" Carr added, otherwise he "would not take this job." He spoke about Jews needing a quality of life, saying  "Banning shechita is forced expulsion," Carr said when asked about the situation in Europe. About UNWRA textbooks "It is child abuse" being antisemitic and how it is difficult to undo damage to children, and it must stop. Near the end of his interview, Carr commented "We are One is a good slogan. Not right, not left, but 100% united to fight Jew-hatred."

IDF Strategic Challenges through a Legal Lens was discussed by Major General Sharon Afek, Chief Military Advocate General of the IDF to the full banquet hall room. 

After the coffee break, the room was divided and the parallel conference Legal Network Initiative, LNI, with 150 legal experts and lawyers had a separate program. Lawyers were encouraged to use more storytelling, less dry presentation. The goal is to get people to agree with you, feelings not just facts are important. 

Among the other prominent speakers was Isaac Herzog, Chairman of the Jewish Agency. Panelists included William Daroff, Richard Heideman, and Rabbi Abraham Cooper.

Day two of the conference will be held at the Waldorf Hotel with President Reuven Rivlin as the keynote morning speaker.