Brilliant - Watch: The Gemorah Song! Rabbi Meltzer’s 6th Grade Shiur, Mechina Toras Avraham Of Yeshiva Of South Shore (Video)

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 05/23/19 | News Source: MATZAV

The journey of haschalas gemarah is daunting for any boy in yeshiva: a new language, unfamiliar grammar, foreign concepts and a set of logic that is quite challenging. It’s like being in 1st grade all over again!

Of course, those of us who have successfully navigated this journey know how worthwhile it is, and appreciate how our lives have been eternally transformed through the learning of Gemorah. But have we forgotten the experience of the journey itself? Perhaps it was that first good grade that gave us confidence. Or maybe just an encouraging word that carried us through.

Baruch Hashem boys throughout the Torah world have made tremendous strides in learning. Whether in terms of their skill set, confidence, or personal enjoyment of learning, it has truly been transformative.

This song was inspired by, and is in honor of, this hard fought journey and the success that has been achieved. We invite you to experience the ride along with us. We hope you enjoy!

Rebbi, songwriter and producer: Rabbi Yehoshua Meltzer, 6th grade rebbi in Mechina Toras Avraham, Yeshiva of South Shore

Talmidim: Azriel Baraff, Moshe Baron, Matis Berkowitz , Akiva Boehm , Daniel Boim, Yitzchok Galler, Ezra Glass, Gavi Goodman, Dovid Hirsch, Asher Isaacs, Moshe Kraus, Yechiel Livshitz, Mendy Markus, Azi Merrill, Gavriel Rubin, Adir Sacknovitz, Sruli Siegel, Chesky Singer, Avi Slomnicki , Yosef Steiner, Binyamin Szlafrok, Shua Weinberg, Avraham Weiss, Yonatan Wiseman, Ezra Zucker.

Rosh Yeshiva: Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky

Menahel: Rabbi Zev Davidowitz

Music: Rabbi Shlomo Drebin

Recorded at: STUDIO MUSIC

Video by: YKIMAGES