BDE: Reb Akiva Stefansky Z”L, Menahel Of Bais Yaakov Toronto For Over 50 Years

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 05/16/19 | News Source: TLS

We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Reb Akiva Stefansky, Z”L, who was Niftar in Lakewood today.

Reb Stefansky, Z”L, was the Menahel of Bais Yaakov Toronto for over 50 years. He was 93.

A well-respected Talmid Chochom, Reb Stefansky, Z”L, ran the Bais Yaakov b'lev v'nefesh from the Toronto’s early years, building it up to become the prominent school it is today. He also was close with many gedolim, and helped found the Kollel in Toronto.

For the last few years, Reb Stefansky, Z”L, was with his children and grandchildren in the U.S.

His children are:

Mrs. Rochel Rabinowitz
Rabbi Nesanel Stefansky
Mrs. Naomi Friedman
Mrs. Shulamis Ehrentreau
Mrs. Rivka Kohn
Mrs. Ruchama Lampert
Mrs. Leah Dovek
Mrs. Raizel Mandelbaum
Mrs. Tirtza Amsel
Rabbi Shmuel Stefansky
Mrs. Miriam Davis
Mrs. Elisheva Levi
Reb Yona Stefansky A”H

He leaves behind dozens of grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

The Niftar will be taken to Eretz Yisroel via Kennedy Airport. The Levaya will take place at 2:30 PM at Cargo Area D75, North Hanger Road. Kevura will be on Har Ha’menuchos.

The children will be sitting Shiva tonight in Lakewood at 76 East 9th Street, and the rest of week at the Eherentreu family in Toronto, 525 Coldstream Avenue.

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