A First! Purim Party at Aberdeen Proving Ground

By BJLIfe/Rabbi Chesky Tenenbaum
Posted on 03/25/19

Aberdeen, MD - Mar. 25, 2019 - For the first time, a Purim Party was celebrated for the soldiers and employees of Aberdeen Proving Ground, thanks to the efforts of Rabbi Chesky Tenenbaum and the Jewish Uniformed Service Association of Maryland (JUSA).  The Soldiers and employees heard the story of Megilas Esther had a Purim feast, enjoyed Hamantashen and received camouflage Shalach Manos boxes from Koshertroops. 

JUSA plans to hold other Jewish events for Soldiers and Veterans.

If you know of a Jewish Soldier or Veteran that resides in Maryland please email Rabbi Tenenbaum at, RabbiCT@JewishUSAMD.org.

The Soldiers and employees heard the story of Megilas Esther had a Purim feast, enjoyed Hamantashen and received camouflage Shalach Manos boxes from Koshertroops.

(L-R) Rabbi Chesky Tenenbaum , director of the Jewish Uniformed Service Association of Maryland (JUSA), CECOM Command Chaplain (COL) Darin Nielsen and APG Garrison Chaplain (LTC) Michael King.