Study: Kids With MMR Shot Less Likely to Develop Autism

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 03/05/19 | News Source: MATZAV

A huge new study has become the latest research to confirm the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine does not cause autism, despite continued warnings by anti-vaccination advocates.

Data from more than 650,000 children showed there was no link between the MMR jab and the developmental problem, which affects how people communicate and interact.

The findings by a Danish team were intended to reassure the growing number of people making the unfounded link between vaccines and conditions including autism.

“Parents should not skip the vaccine out of fear for autism,” lead study author Dr Anders Hviid of the Statens Serum Institut told Reuters.

“The dangers of not vaccinating includes a resurgence in measles which we are seeing signs of today in the form of outbreaks.”

Read more at The Independent.