Mom Wins Case To Vaccinate Her Daughter, Despite Father Opposing Injection

By JPost
Posted on 02/20/19 | News Source: MATZAV

A divorced mother was empowered by the court to vaccinate her 12-year-old daughter despite the objections of the minor’s father in a verdict given by judge Yehoram Shaked on Wednesday.

The mother, who has full physical custody of the girl, was forced to turn to the court in order to get permission to vaccinate her daughter after the father objected, arguing “there’s no chance she’ll contract measles” and insisting that his daughter “doesn’t want to [be vaccinated].”

In the verdict, the court included the testimony of Dr. Lior Ungar of Sheba Medical Center, who said that, “if an amusement park had a roller coaster ride in which one out of 600 children who rode on it would be ejected from the ride and killed, would you allow your child to get on it? That’s measles.”

Read more at JPOST.