Watch the Video Shows Pre-dawn FBI Raid At Stone's House (Video)

Posted on 01/25/19

Fort Lauderdale - A video of the pre-dawn FBI raid at Roger Stone’s house in Florida shows agents in combat gear using night-vision equipment and running up to Stone’s home and banging repeatedly on the door. On the video, aired on CNN, one agent shouts “FBI open the door! FBI, warrant!”

Stone is an associate of President Donald Trump. Stone is charged with witness tampering, obstruction and false statements stemming from special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe. The indictment does not accuse Stone of coordinating with Russia’s election interference in 2016. But it lays out Stone’s conversations about stolen Democratic emails posted by WikiLeaks in the weeks before Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton.

The arrest scene included about a half-dozen police vehicles, a dozen officers and agents in tactical vests and large weapons. Stone appeared in his doorway in sleepwear, with his glasses on. An agent asked him, “are you Roger Stone?” and he said “yes.”

Stone was then led away.

Stone is scheduled to make a court appearance later Friday. He has maintained his innocence.