Posted on 12/23/18
Baltimore, MD - Dec. 19, 2018 - Baltimore’s Jewish community had been looking forward to the completion of the much needed Mikvah Arugas Habosem, the mikvah of the famed Brider Rebbe, zatzal.
During construction
But on Tuesday, November 13, disaster struck when the roof caved in during a major renovation and expansion project. In an instant, the site went from a building site to a disaster area. The collapse affected not only the roof itself, but also the surrounding cinderblock walls, which need to be rebuilt.
There is no remnant of the nearly completed roof. It is all in shambles with beams and poles scattered inside the building like pick up sticks. The cost of the cleanup and repair is estimated to be $100,000 - $200,000. The insurance companies are aggressively denying responsibility and experts say it could be years until insurance funds come through, if ever.
Please help repair the damage – and further taharas Yisroel in Baltimore.
The roof collapse is a huge crisis for Baltimore Jewry. The city depends on just one Mikvah Tahara for its thousands of families. The city mikvah’s location makes it very hard for many to use it on Friday nights and yamim tovim.
Since 1951, the Brider Rebbe’s mikvah (HaRav Amrom Taub, ZT'L), has filled the void, by opening its shul mikvah doors in the basement of the rebbe’s home to those in need. The Rebbe, ZT'L, was recognized worldwide for his avodas hakodesh in Baltimore for almost 6 decades where he served the Baltimore community and those who visited.
Khal Arugas Habosem recently embarked on a much-needed renovation and expansion project, an initiative that was welcomed and endorsed by the city’s many rabbonim. The mikvah under construction was intended to greatly ease the burden on families, and bring kedushah to a large number of people who toivel daily.
But now the project caved in.
Join us in rebuilding Mikvah Arugas Habosem.
Donating to a mikvah is a known segulah for children, shidduchim, health, and every brachah.
With your donation to this worthy cause, may you and your family be gebenched with kol tuv.
Donate now.
By phone: 410 231-7099
By mail: Bais Amrom D’Brid
P O Box 67016
Baltimore, MD 21215
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