Schumer Says It's Up To Trump To Avert Government Shutdown

Posted on 12/16/18

Washington - Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer says it’s up to President Donald Trump whether the federal government partially shuts down at midnight Friday over his border wall.

Trump has said he’d be “proud” to have a shutdown over the $5 billion he wants for the wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

Asked Sunday if there was room for compromise, Schumer told NBC: “He’s not going to get the wall in any form.”

Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi have proposed no more than $1.6 billion. The money would not go for the wall but for fencing upgrades and other border security. Democrats also offered to keep funding at its current level, $1.3 billion.

Schumer says Trump doesn’t have the votes from the Republican-controlled Congress to support $5 billion for the wall.