“Do Not be Complicit”: Citing Rav Elyashiv, Letter Calls on Donors of Yeshivos to Stop Funding Mosdos that Permit Unvaccinated Children

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 11/14/18 | News Source: MATZAV

With a measles outbreak in frum communities, there are 68 confirmed cases in Rockland County, 24 in Brooklyn, and 11 in Ocean County, NJ.

The Ocean County Health Department has highly encouraged the exclusion of non-vaccinated children from schools, preschools and daycares in the outbreak area.

Some parents are taking matters into their own hands, writing a letter that is being sent to major supporters of yeshivos, schools and Bais Yaakovs, encouraging these donors not to contribute any funds to institutions that allow unvaccinated children to attend.

“Please do not be complicit in this by supporting educational institutions that put some of their students at risk,” the letter reads. “With measles now spreading across our Torah communities, infectious disease experts are strongly urging parents to ensure their children receive all their recommended vaccinations. Measles can be fatal. But, most importantly, it is readily preventable with vaccination.

“We agree that most people who are anti-vaccination aren’t negligent or evil, but misinformed,” the parents continue. “Vaccines are their own worst enemy in that they have been so effective, so people forget that measles killed many people, but to ensure that parents immunize their children so that history does not repeat itself, we need to take a stand – and we need you, as a major supporter of mosdos hachinuch, to take a stand. Before writing out a check to the next mosadyou want to help, ask the hanhala if they permit unvaccinated children to enter their school. If they do, let them know that you cannot have any part of placing children at risk.”

The letter goes on to state that no less a halachic authority than the gadol hador, Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv ruled that it is incumbent to vaccinate their children, and that Rav Elyashiv stated that “mosdos should reject non-vaccinated children because they can infect other children.”