Longer School Day Proposed In Baltimore County Public Schools

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 09/15/18 | News Source: Pikesville Patch

Should Baltimore County extend the school day by 15 minutes? There is a public hearing planned on the issue.

BALTIMORE COUNTY, MD — A work group tasked by Baltimore County Public Schools with figuring out how to make up for the shortfall in required instruction time has come up with a plan: Extend the school day by 15 minutes.

Before submitting its recommendation to the superintendent, the task force is asking for input. People can weigh in by email or at a public hearing on Sept. 20.

Adding 15 minutes to the school day would add 45 hours of instruction, according to the Baltimore County Public Schools School Day Taskforce subcommittee. It would also enable the weeklong spring break to be reinstated, the committee advised.

The subcommittee was formed to review how Baltimore County could comply with state requirements for instruction time.

The Maryland State Department of Education granted the school system a waiver for the 2017-2018 academic year for not having the required 1,170 hours of instructional time. Baltimore County fell eight hours short of the requirement. The waiver was contingent on the school system increasing the number of instructional hours the following school year. In response, Baltimore County Public Schools added five minutes to the school day during the 2018-2019 school year.

But last year was not the only time. In 2015, Baltimore County Public Schools was 15.5 hours short on instruction time.

The state requires 180 days of instruction and three inclement weather days built into the school year, which must start after Labor Day and conclude no later than June 15.

Making the change of adding 15 minutes to the school day would cost $24 million, according to a statement from Baltimore County Public Schools.

Here is the full recommendation of the subcommittee on the school day task force:

Extend the school day by 15 minutes. The extension of the school day by 15 minutes will add 45 additional hours to the school year. The addition of 45 hours will make it possible to meet all Maryland State Department of Education day and hour requirements and comply with the governor's school start and stop dates; build more than the required three inclement weather days into the calendar; and reinstate the traditional week of spring break. This recommendation has an approximate cost of $24 million and is being brought forth at this time so it may be considered in the upcoming budget request cycle.

There will be a hearing on the issue of extending the school day. Each person may have three minutes to comment on the proposal at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 20. The hearing will be at Building A of the Greenwood Campus at 6901 North Charles Street.

Comments may also be submitted by email at schooldaytaskforce@bcps.org.

Separate subcommittees on school start times and secondary schedules are still conducting research, officials said.