Successors of Vizhnitzer Rebbe of Monsey Ask that Their Pictures Not Be Taken Or Published

By Staff Reporter
Posted on 05/22/18 | News Source: MATZAV

The eight new Vizhnitz-Monsey Rebbes have issued a statement expressing their wish to follow in the ways of their father, the previous Vizhnitzer Rebbe of Monsey, Rav Mordechai (Mottel) Hager zt”l, who recently passed away, requesting that people not take photos of them or publish pictures of them in newspapers and elsewhere. Rav Mottel was adamant about his picture not being taken or published.

The Vizhnitzer Rebbe of Monsey, who was 95, led his large chassidus from his home in Kaser Village in Monsey, NY, adjacent to the large Vizhnitzer Bais Medrash. The rebbe was born in 1922, a son of the fourth rebbe of Vizhnitz, Rav Chaim Meir Hager, the Imrei Chaim.

The rebbe raised 14 children, 8 sons and 6 daughters.

His son, Rav Pinchos Shalom Hager zt”l, Viznitzer Rov in Borough Park, passed away during his father’s lifetime, and was succeeded by his son.

The eight successors of the Rebbe are Rav Yisroel Hager, Rebbe of Vizhnitz Monsey; Rav Menachem Mendel Hager, Rebbe of Vizhnitz Kiamesha Lake; Rav Yitzchok Yochonon Hager, Rebbe of Vizhnitz Williamsburg; Rav Eliezer Zev Hager, Rebbe of Vizhnitz Yerushalayim; Rav Dovid Hager, Rebbe of Vizhnitz London; Rav Aharon Hager, Rebbe of Vizhnitz Montreal; Rav Boruch Shamshon Hager, Rebbe of Vizhnitz Beit Shemesh; and Rav Yaakov Yosef Hager (son of Rav Pinchos Shalom Hager zt”l), Rebbe of Vizhnitz Borough Park. They have all asked for their pictures not to be taken or published.